

From the kitchen of F Kotch

Kulich Back

Cool on pillow?


The original owner of these recipes had many duplicates with slight variations. I have noticed that she left a lot to her own knowledge, and in this instance has failed to note how much sugar and shortening to use. Uh oh. This also is the first time I have heard of any baked good or really any food item being cooled on a pillow.

Kulich (400 oven)

6 c flour

2 cakes yeast (or 2 pkg)

2 tsp salt

2 c scalded milk

1 egg

4 T melted butter

1 pkg crushed pineapple

1 pkg candied cherries

1 tsp vanilla

1/4 pound raisins

Dissolve yeast in lukewarm milk. Add salt, sugar, egg & flavoring. Mix well. Add flour. When partially mixed add shortening. Turn out on floured table & knead until dough is smooth. More flour may have to be added. Put in greased bowl. Smooth melted butter on top to keep soft and allow to stand 2 hours until double in bulk. Knead down. Divide dough for loaves. Put in well greased 3 pound Crisco can and allow to rise. Keep dough lightly buttered while rising. 400 degrees. When done baking lay on its side on pillow until cool.


2 thoughts on “Kulich

  1. Yup, that says pillow alright. Never ever heard of that before. I’m just picturing a Crisco can on it’s side tucked in and on a pillow.

    I’ve made bread in a coffee can, but I never cooled it on it’s side or on a pillow.


  2. I think maybe it’s a rough translation meaning to let it rest. If a person were to lay on their side on pillow it would mean they are resting.


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